A study report based on the analytical enquiry on the core competencies of livestock extension professionals in India and the strategic recommendations to fill the gaps identified.
The recommended activities or programs to enhance core competencies among livestock extension professionals are: assessment of core competencies at regular intervals, better infrastructure at regional training centers and hospitals with supporting staff, more frequent meetings, trainings, exposure visits, workshops and webinars, continuing veterinary education programs on technical subjects, and developing an online manual on livestock extension competencies. More or less the respondents perceived that ‘pre-service, in-service and basic induction trainings as well as national and international seminars, workshops, webinars as appropriate to very appropriate ways to acquire the core competencies.
To fill the gap and acquire core competencies by livestock extension professionals, following specific policy interventions at different levels of training are suggested and discussed.
• Improving competencies through hands-on pre-service instruction in veterinary colleges and proper
assessment of competencies before certification.
• Improving competencies through basic induction and in-service training by establishing regional academic
staff colleges and by strengthening existing training centers of AHDs.
• Competency development through continuing veterinary education programs.
• Improving the institutional mechanisms to assess core competencies at regular intervals and to identify
capacity gaps.
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