Asian Development Bank (ADB), December 2013 This tool kit aims to assist development practitioners to ensure that gender perspectives are incorporated into...
This website/Resource CD is about promoting a new consultative process for designing gender-sensitive demand-led programmes for rural women.This design process...
This presents a rich compilation of experiences, some of them ongoing, in which agricultural projects have incorporated gender-related components or adapted...
Practical Tool Kit to integrate a gender perspective to agricultural value chain development Extension services could play an important role in making sure...
This Trainer’s manual has useful information covering different aspects of ensuring gender equity in agricultural development. This document contains...
There is a strong relationship between gender-based discrimination and the different channels through which households and individuals access food—through own...
Which categories of women smallholders participate in collective action in agricultural markets and why?What economic and wider benefits do women smallholders...
Why would someone already grappling with harsh poverty set aside a tiny portion of their low and unstable income for future needs? And, how much could they...
The Guide provides users with resources and participatory action research tools for collecting, analysing and sharing gender-sensitive information about...
Gender equality is central to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations’ (FAO’s) mandate to achieve food security for all by raising levels...