This summary report is the outcome of a virtual knowledge exchange on good practices in corporate gender equality mechanisms and gender mainstreaming...
Gender considerations are of utmost importance in agricultural technology development, dissemination and use, as these considerations confer good dividend to...
Impact evaluations can produce useful insights on how to design programs and policies that can increase women’s and girls’ empowerment and help us better...
In this study, we systematically review the literature on adoption factors and impacts of labor-saving technologies (LSTs) by smallholder and women farmers in...
WEAI and its results to better understand its role in information gender-responsive programming. It also ensures USAID Feed the Future staff will better...
This course is designed to provide participants with a foundational knowledge of the Gender Integration Framework (GIF) and offer initial practice in using it...
This in-person course is designed to equip USAID staff with basic facilitation skills and foundational knowledge of Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture...
This Maldives Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector (CGA-ARS, or CGA) provides evidence of gender inequalities in the agriculture and...
The strategy of this grant is to improve the enabling environment surrounding projects by working with men and women to build awareness of rights and...
Globally, rural and indigenous women fare worse than rural men and urban women and men on almost every indicator for which data are available. Although they...