Agriculture plays a significant role in the economy of the Philippines The resiliency of the agriculture sector not only ensures the country’s food security...
The economy of Mindanao is dominated by the agriculture sector. With one-third of its land area devoted to agriculture, the island has been tagged as the...
Bhutanese farmers practise mixed farming, with crops and livestock rearing forming an integral part of their livelihoods, particularly in rural communities At...
This Guide is organized into ten modules, each covering a specific topic or step important for organizing and facilitating CA. They are designed to provide...
This study aims to consolidate the efforts to date to provide recommendations for action and future studies. Its objective is to answer the following questions...
Extension reforms play a significant role in catalysing the extant policies and provisions that are affecting the extension service across India. Although the...
Asia-Pacific regional webinar on strengthening agricultural research and extension organizations to support agriculture innovation On 21 June 2022, the Asia...
The State of India’s Environment 2022 is the 9th annual edition in this series, and is the country’s most authoritative statement on the...
This guideline outlines the step-by-step implementation of direct purchases from family farming for school feeding, considering the pilot implementation of the...
The economic contribution of women to agricultural and irrigation activities and to the livelihoods, well-being and food security of families and communities...