New Publications

Enabling Local Governance to Mitigate the Climate and Biodiversity Crises

Task Force 6: Accelerating SDGs: Exploring New Pathways to the 2030 Agenda

Reckless expansion of unsustainable land use, largely induced by supply chains, has led to deforestation, ecosystem conversion and environmental degradation, which in turn have caused an unprecedented decline in biodiversity and disruption of ecosystem services. There is growing awareness of the need for global policy, for regulatory, private and financial sector action, to reverse this trend. However, solutions are being developed with little regard, if at all, to local actors and their capacities, interests and crucial role in protecting natural resources. Active involvement and empowerment of local actors is critical. The G20 is uniquely positioned to foster local governance and leadership in sustainable natural resource management as part of national and global supply chains. Policies, regulations, and instruments aiming at the conservation of natural resources, forests and biodiversity must involve and invest in local actors to a greater extent.