Mark W. Rosegrant, Jawoo Koo, Nicola Cenacchi, Claudia Ringler, Richard Robertson, Myles Fisher, Cindy Cox, Karen Garrett, Nicostrato D. Perez, and Pascale Sabbagh
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2014
The study profiles 11 agricultural innovations: crop protection, drip irrigation, drought tolerance, heat tolerance, integrated soil fertility management, no-till farming, nutrient use efficiency, organic agriculture, precision agriculture, sprinkler irrigation, and water harvesting.Findings from the book indicate:No-till farming alone could increase maize yields by 20 per cent, but also irrigating the same no-till fields could increase maize yields by 67 percent in 2050.Nitrogen-use efficiency could increase rice crop yields by 22 per cent, but irrigation increased the yields by another 21 per cent.Heat-tolerant varieties of wheat could increase crop yields from a 17 per cent increase to a 23 percent increase with irrigation.
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