This working paper has analysed the extension systems of the line departments, ATMA, Private Extension and NGOs and analysed the strengths and challenges of each stakeholder in carrying out the extension. Particularly, the good extension practices such as Collective Farming, Uzhavan Mobile App (Farmers’ App), Agripreneurship, Micro Irrigation Management Information System” (MIMIS), Livestock Extension on Wheels, Village level Custom Hiring Centres, international exposure visits of fisheries personnel among others are worth replicating. While, the challenges such as low budgetary provision for the extension, inadequate manpower, overlapping of works, inadequate convergence (ATMA), inadequate follow up of the recommended technologies, their performance analysis etc., needs re-examination by the state. Nevertheless, the state has pioneered several extension reforms, time once again demands the best course of actions and policy frameworks that will transcend the extension reformations needed for the state at present and henceforth. The study has also come up with specific recommendations, which may provide an insight for the state to revamp and strengthen the extension systems by duly co-developing suitable strategies. This will translate into high productivity (agriculture and allied sectors), enhanced supply chain, better economic gain (for both farmers and state), and enhanced agricultural prosperity of the state globally.
Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems in Tamil Nadu
August 9, 2020
2 Min Read

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