This document therefore attempts to triangulate, or verify, official statistics wherever possible using data drawn from numerous sources, including the government’s Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2005 (BBS, 2007) and Agricultural Sample Survey 2005 (BBS, 2006), which we consider reliable due to the large sample size and rigorous data collection methodologies and procedures employed. Our analysis of the datasets for both surveys suggests that total pond area exceeds that officially reported by the DOF Fisheries Resources Survey System (FRSS) by around 28%, and output by around 23%. This approach suggests that aquaculture and, in particular, more commercially oriented forms of the activity are likely to play a much more important role in meeting national fish consumption needs and alleviating poverty than is currently recognized.
Review of Aquaculture and Fish Consumption in Bangladesh
February 25, 2018
1 Min Read
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