this background, the Central Department of Anthropology (CDA) at Tribhuvan University undertook this study on the “State of Social Inclusion in Nepal (SOSIN).” The study aims to produce a nuanced understanding of the situation and dynamics of social inclusion and gender equality. Using both quantitative surveys and qualitative assessments, this research generates empirical data about the current state of equality and social inclusion in Nepal and allows for the tracking of progress. This research is a sequel to the research project “Social Inclusion Atlas and Ethnographic Profile (SIA-EP)” implemented by the then joint Department of Sociology/Anthropology at TU in 2012-2014 with support from the Norwegian Embassy in Nepal. The SIA-EP established a comprehensive national database disaggregated by gender, caste and ethnicity, built a Multidimensional Social Inclusion Index through re-analysis of major national surveys, and produced profiles of 42 highly marginalized caste/ethnic groups to understand the micro-dynamics of exclusion.
State of Social Inclusion in Nepal
January 19, 2021
1 Min Read

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