
Tackling inequalities in public service coverage to “build forward better” for the rural poor

this policy brief specifically focuses on tackling rural inequalities in public service coverage. Drawing evidence from across sectoral domains, the policy brief explores the manifestations of, causes of, and means to redress inequitable public service coverage within rural areas as well as between rural and urban areas. The primary target audiences for this policy brief are policy-makers, planners and development partners.

Divided into three parts, the policy brief:

  • provides an overview of select inequalities in public service coverage in rural areas and highlights specific subpopulations who, due to intersecting types of disadvantage, are most at risk of being left behind (Part I);
  • conveys potential areas for action that are relevant across sectoral divides and are important for tackling inequitable public service coverage in rural areas (Part II);
  • points the way towards advancing the agenda, synergizing with the United Nations Secretary-General’s Call for Action on Human Rights, while delineating specific actions that the United Nations can take to improve coordination and focused support for transformative multisectoral rural development that tackles inequalities (Part III).