Mult-actors Agricultural Innovation Platform (MAIP) is established in rural communities where farmers and key value chain actors become empowered through...
New Publications
this paper makes an assessment of risks to India’s future food security based on estimates of the impact of climate shocks on agricultural GVA, foodgrain...
This guide is part of the action plan activities implemented by IICA and RELASER to contribute to strengthening AIS in Latin America, in this case with a...
Farmers and extension workers increasingly use chat apps like WhatsApp to access and share information, including farming videos. Few empirical studies have...
In this seventh edition of The Mobile Gender Gap Report, we share the latest data on women’s mobile access and use in LMICs, the barriers they face and how...
This brief highlights the achievements and impact of project activities in Afghanistan funded by the Crisis Response Initiative (CRI). These projects were...
The agriculture sector faces several systemic barriers impeding land productivity. These include the fragmentation of smallholder farms, outdated farming...
This book addresses the demand for evidence-based approaches to rural communication services (RCS). It presents theoretical foundations of RCS and a series of...
Agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) is an umbrella term that refers to organizations, individuals and activities that supply information and...
This approach involves introducing selected village livestock promoters to provide farmers with an integrated package of advice, inputs, and services. This...