Agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) is an umbrella term that refers to organizations, individuals and activities that supply information and...
New Publications
This approach involves introducing selected village livestock promoters to provide farmers with an integrated package of advice, inputs, and services. This...
The rapid and ongoing digital transformation of government, economic, and social sectors holds immense potential to improve outcomes across the SDGs for...
In 2022, the Rural Development Administration(RDA) of the Republic of Korea through its Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI), launched a...
Rising temperatures, longer droughts, more severe storms, warming oceans, and recurring floods are already threatening global agriculture and food security...
Sustainable agricultural and food systems should provide affordable and healthy food for all while respecting planetary boundaries and ensuring social well...
The issue of youth engagement in agriculture is a critical concern in both Africa and India. Traditional perceptions of agriculture as a low-status, unskilled...
In this report, we examine why it is so difficult to end hunger and to halt obesity trends, what the appropriate lenses are to look at this problem, what the...
The Feed the Future (FtF) Global Supporting Seed Systems for Development activity (S34D) is a five-year Leader with Associates award created to enhance...
These studies identifi ed essential job competencies of extension professionals, assessed whether these key competencies were covered in current UG extension...