As we celebrate 2024 International Youth Day on August 12, Saikrishna Nanduri discusses in this blog the challenges of youth unemployment and ways of...
Gender, Youth & Extension
Farm women, especially in developing countries such as India, are hit hardest by the negative impacts of climate change. In this blog, Apoorva Veldandi, Anil...
As we celebrate the International Women’s Day on 8 March 2024, Lilian and Subash reflect on questions concerning women’s empowerment interventions, based...
Mahesh Chander has been writing about youth on various platforms, including AESA, over the years. Here, he shares his thoughts on the importance of Green...
On the occasion of World Youth Skills Day, Dr Mahesh Chander shares his thoughts on why it is important to skill today’s youth for making farming remunerative...
Social enterprises have the potential to address the key concerns at the back end and front end of agri value chains. In this blog, Dr Tripathy and Dr Wadkar...
In this blog, Arpita Sharma and Anaisha Sharma reflect on how gender is socially constructed and how we can tweak these through dialogues within and outside...
Women do play an important role in crops such as wheat and they really value information if it is provided to them. Surabhi Mittal and Vinod Hariharan explore...
Skill development is not merely meant for farmers and entrepreneurs. It is also about having the needed skills among field practitioners. For instance, the...
Recent initiatives such as the National Skill Development Corporation have begun to address some of the needs related to skill development in various sectors...