New Publications

Enhancing Resilience of Indian Agriculture to Climate Shocks – The Way Ahead

this paper makes an assessment of risks to India’s future food security based on estimates of the impact of climate shocks on agricultural GVA, foodgrain production and yields, and proposes policy options, recognising the potential of fast evolving tech-enabled solutions for climate risk mitigation and adaptation, and the power  of public policy in mitigating climate risks. Section II presents facts on various dimensions of rising climate risks in India. India’s agricultural production and consumption patterns are evaluated in Section III form the standpoint of their carbon emissions. Empirical estimates relating to the impact of climate shocks on production of foodgrains, yields and agriculture sector GVA are analysed in Section IV. Available range of policy interventions as the way forward are discussed in Section V, under an integrated greening the agriculture framework. Section V sets out the concluding observations.