The New Extensionist offers a global view of extension and advisory services (EAS) that reinvents and clearly articulates the role of EAS in the rapidly-changing rural context. It argues for an expanded role for EAS within Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) and development of new capacities at different levels to play this role. The New Extension Learning Kit (NELK) was developed as a knowledge resource to support development of these capacities. NELK contains 15 modules designed for self-directed, face-to-face, or blended learning and can be a useful tool (but not exclusively) for individual extension field staff, managers, lecturers and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and other training institutions.
Introduction to the New Extensionist Learning Kit(NELK)- Rasheed Sulaiman
Module 2: Extension approaches and tools – Rasheed Sulaiman
Module 6: Knowledge management and extension- Saravanan Raj
Module 8: Community Mobilization – Nimisha Mittal
Module 5: Adult learning for behavioral change- P Sethuraman Sivakumar
Module 13: Risk management and adaptation in RAS-P Sethuraman Sivakumar
Module 10: The role of extension in value chains – S Ramkumar
Module11: Agricultural entrepreneurship- S Ramkumar
Module 7: Introduction to facilitation for developement- Suchiradipta Bhatacharjee
Module 3: Agricultural extension programme management
Module 14: Developing capacity for evaluation of rural extension and advisory services- PVK Sasidhar
Module 9: Farmer organizational development – Nimisha Mittal
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