Sri Lanka: Workshop on Finalizing Training Modules and Plans for Demonstrations
(4-6 November 2023, Tea Research Institute, Hantana, Kandy, Sri Lanka)
The World Vegetable Centre, the Network of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services Sri Lanka (NAEASSL), the Microsave Consulting (MSC) and John Keells Holdings PLC are together implementing a project “Building Capacity for Climate Resilience and Organic Farming among Vegetable & Fruit Growers in Sri Lanka” with ADB Funding. A workshop to finalize the training modules and plans for demonstrations were organised at Kandy during 4-6 November 2023. The participants finalized the draft outline of the training module, the different units that need to be included, prioritized crops to be included, the dates for the finalization of the training modules and organization of training of trainers and specific roles of project team members.
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